Maruti will launch the sportier version of Wagon R named Stingray in India soon. The Wagon R Stingray was spied during a photo shoot which suggest the car launch is around the corner. The Wagon R Stingray will be positioned above the current Wagon R and sold along with it.
This is a desperate effort to bring back the attention of buyers to the brand. In spite of having a good brand value, the sales of Wagon R has suffered, thanks to the competitors who are offering a diesel variant almost at the same price. Wagon R has been one of the successful model from Maruti, which has helped the company in maintain its market share.
The Wagon R Stingray features a sleek and clear lens headlamp. The grill is sleek and sportier as well giving a new look to the car. The front bumper also has been re-designed to give a sportier look to the car. In the rear, the tail lamps get clear lens treatment and the re-designed bumper now houses the number plate. The side profile looks to be similar to the current wagon R. The Wagon R Stingray is expected to come with upgraded interiors with different colours for upholstery. Expect to have minor tweaks in the interiors as well.
The Wagon R Stingray will be powered by the same 1 liter K10 series petrol engine with 67 Bhp of power. It is likely to be priced with a premium of Rs. 50,000 over the current model.
Highlights of the Wagon R Stingray
Projector headlamps
Flat front bonnet
Chrome grille
New bumper with bigger air dam
Restyled fog-lamp housings
Brushed grey finish alloy wheels
Tail-lamps with clear lens units
Black interiors
Chrome strip ( a feature now common in many car to portray Premiumness)
1.0 K-Series engine carried from the existing car
Available with safety features like ABS, Dual airbags
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